Friday, 30 November 2012

Essex fundraising for San Marcos Aviles

Under the slogan "Not charity - solidarity" the University of Essex Zapatista team fundraised more than 140 pounds for the community of San Marcos Aviles. The activists were selling burritos and Zapatista coffee as part of their efforts to support the attacked by paramilitaries communities in Chiapas. 

Earlier the group from Essex organized a protest in front of the Mexican embassy and filmed a solidarity video, condemning the terror against the autonomous indigenous communities. The fundraiser is part of a larger campaign, backed by the Latin American Society which is also fundraising for the same cause on 30 Nov. The last fundraiser will be a SKA gig in Tin Pan Alley in Colchester on 14 December.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Article on YoSoy132's blog

A brilliant article on our protest against the repressions by the paramilitatires and the Bad Government on the page of our friendsYoSoy132 - Londres, who were there with us:

"Despite the initial YS132 focus was on the fight against the imposition of an illegitimate president and the blatant use of mass media to mislead the population, our stand in solidarity to the groups in resistance in Mexico such as Atenco, Cananea, the SME and the Zapatistas and other indigenous (or Nican Tlaca) groups in resistance, is clearly stated in our manifesto. This is why the movement participated yesterday with Essex Zapatista Solidarity Group and will continue to do so in similar actions, such as to oppose and make life impossible to the oncoming PRI rule in December.
“If we don’t strike up together, who will illuminate this darkness?”
¡ Basta ya !"

The whole article - here!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

"Zapata vive" echoed in front of the Mexican embassy

With chants "Zapata vive, la lucha sigue!" and "El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!" a group of supporters of the Zapatistas gathered to protest in front of the Mexican embassy against the repressions on the communities in resistance carried out in the last few months. The protesters demanded end of the attacks and release of the political prisoners jalied by the Bad Government.
"Our words are our weapon and the our bullets are flying towards Mexico in this moment" said Petar Stanchev from the Zapatista Solidarity Group - Essex. "We are here for the light of tomorrow, for a world in which many worlds fit, for a world where capitalism doesn't threaten us with complete destruction and being indigenous, homosexual, migrant or woman is not a crime". The protest was part of the global campaign "Worldwide Echo in support of the Zapatistas".

In addition, numerous solidarity groups from London such as the Tawantinsuyo Nation group and the Yosoy132 cellulé group took part in the demonstration in support of the recently attacked zapatista communities. Alberto, from the Yosoy132 reminded us of Subcomandante's Marcos words on the indigenous struggle and the recognition of the Other as an equal. Amaru from Tawantinsuyo Nation spoke about the importance of our indigenous roots and identity in the struggle for world recognition and economic redistribution, as well as the liberation from our colonized mentalities and the eurocentric ideas that we have about the justice.

A petition, signed by hundreds of Zapatista supporters was handed to the embassy with a clear message condemning the paramilitary attacks and the government that stays behind them. 

In the last few months a violent campaign of several paramiliraty groups, backed by the Mexican state resulted in attacking, threatening and intimidating peaceful Zapatista communities. Meanwhile, the state itself continued the policy of holding political prisoners and caged with fake alegations new companer@s whose only guilt is rejecting the neoliberal system of opression, poverty and exploitation and creating an alternative to it.